Thursday, February 4, 2010

Kingdom Come

1. I remember being at the Willow Creek Art's Conference and hearing Brian Mclaren say that there needed to be more songs about the Kingdom coming on earth.

2. I listened to numerous different artist's version of this advice. Many are great.

3. I don't know that alienation is always the best way of promoting a song, but I don't really care. I wrote this song as a response the doomsday preachers of our time. The Left Behind series, John Hagee, Pat Robertson, and others who make there money by promoting fear. And by preaching of the coming apocalypse, instead of spreading love.

I think every thing is going to be good, but we all have to get together and spread love. That is what this song is about. Here is a demo that I recorded in my house over the last couple weeks. My brother Jason played the bass, and I played everything else. The kick sample is from Dusty Merrill.

So take it and listen to it. And if you are one who leans more towards fear instead of love, hopefully you can sing this chorus and it will start to change that.

Share it. Not the song. Not my name. Share the idea. The idea is more important. We could give up and let the cards fall where they may, or we could stop worrying and start spreading love. Let's make love till kingdom come, it doesn't have to be fear and death and fire. The choice is ours.

Kingdom Come Demo copyright 2010 Jeremy Batten

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